
2020 has been a challenging year, with people trying to cope with the corona virus outbreak and its impact on daily lives. However in these difficult times, there have been numerous examples of exemplary acts of kindness and courage; where individuals have risen to the occasion to become real life heroes. Not only frontline workers and essential service providers who continued doing their duty despite great risks, but also ordinary men and women with the extraordinary conviction to make life better for others, no matter what!

To recognize these brave hearts who put themselves at risk for the sake of keeping others safe, Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance Company has launched the 'heroesofmycity' campaign.

'heroesofmycity' is an extension of Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance's meformycity campaign, a flagship initiative that originates from our brand philosophy to fulfil the promises our customers make to their loved ones. meformycity is an extension of this ideology and creates a platform to bring a positive change and to enable each one of us to do our bit for society.

In the year 2018, we made our cities clean and beautified their walls. In 2019, the initiative focused on giving a graffiti makeover to key railway stations across India. #meformycity 3.0 aims to make people recognise that heroes are not just on-screen or in story books, but in real life too. And during the pandemic, we saw these real-life heroes carrying out exemplary acts of profound compassion and courage.

These heroes are all around us, in every city - the security guard who stood outside our colony or society when people feared to step out, the ambulance driver who helped carry the bodies of Covid victims, the neighbour who helped feed marginalized communities with no livelihood, and so many others. You would know them too.

This campaign will bring together stories from all around the country, featuring the exemplary work of these heroes, in an effort to thank them for their contributions. We encourage you, as a part of the community, to do the same!

You can share the stories of the heroes of your city on your social media handles - Facebook or Instagram. Share your public social media posts with the hashtags #meformycity, #heroesofmycity and #heroesof and be an integral part of this campaign.

No story is too small to be shared, no work is unimportant. Help us bring these noble actions to light and get these heroes their well deserved appreciation and recognition.